Showcase Customer Confidence, Drive More Sales

Instant Credibility: Showcase Verified Purchases and Visitor Data to Encourage New Customers and Increase Sales.

popGet ProofPop for your website

An Introduction to Social Proof

Boost Your Credibility with Social Proof

  • What is Social Proof?

    In today’s digital world, trust and credibility are key to driving sales and user engagement. Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people look to the actions and opinions of others to guide their own behavior. It’s the reason why we’re more likely to try a restaurant with lots of good reviews or buy a product recommended by friends.

  • Why is Social Proof Important?

    Social proof leverages the influence of other users to build trust and credibility for your business. By showcasing real-time data about recent purchases and visitor activity, social proof helps potential customers feel confident that they are making the right choice. Here’s how it works:

    • Builds Trust: Showcasing user engagement and purchases reassures potential customers that your product or service is trusted by others.
    • Increases Conversions: Real-time data about purchases and visitor activity can create urgency, motivating visitors to act quickly.
    • Enhances Credibility: Demonstrating that your business is active and popular reinforces its reliability and value.

Setup Your Social Proof Widget in Minutes

The Social Proof Widget is designed to help you showcase recent sales and visitor activity on your website, boosting your credibility and conversions.

  • Customizable Design

    Easily customize the look and feel of the widget to match your brand.

  • Seamless Integration

    Seamlessly integrate the widget into your website with a few lines of copy-paste code.

  • Real-time Updates

    Your widget will automatically update with the latest sale and view count data.

Styling the widget


The social proof widget is packed with features to help you grow your business.

Recent Purchases

Showcasing recent purchases increases trust, credibility and urgency.

Product Hunt

Showcase your Product Hunt launch and reviews to your visitors.

Visitor Count

Show the number of visitors on your website, which helps to build trust.

AI Powered

Reviews are analyzed by an AI, so only the best ones are shown.


Customize the widget to match your website's look and feel.

Easy to use

No coding required. Just copy and paste a few lines of code.


You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription at any time.


A great plan for beginners, hobbyists and side projects.


billed annually
  • 1 Website
  • Fully Customizable
  • Sale Validation
  • Review Validation
  • Visitor Count
Secure Checkout with LemonSqueezy


A plan for businesses and startups that need more widgets.


billed annually
  • 5 Websites
  • Fully Customizable
  • Sale Validation
  • Review Validation
  • Visitor Count
  • Priority support
Secure Checkout with LemonSqueezy

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